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1.25 Hours
The evidence shows that depression is a common mental illness but it is not a normal part of aging. Major depression in the geriatric population in...
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1.25 Hours
Healthcare facilities, such as hospitals, clinics, and long-term care facilities, are monitored and guided by national standards to prevent healthc...
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1.25 Hours
The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) continue to be an enormous public health problem in the Unite...
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1.25 Hours
People with cognitive impairment struggle with poor intellectual functioning and have difficulty communicating and understanding what others are sa...
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1.25 Hours
During the course of a health care professional’s career, a medical error may be made or be discovered. There are some mistakes, called “medical er...
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1.25 Hours
Infectious diseases can be transmitted from person to person. They can be spread through the air, by contact with blood or other body fluids, by to...
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1.25 Hours
Domestic violence and elder abuse are common and frightening social problems that affect not only those being abused but extend to other members of...
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1.25 Hours
Measuring and recording blood pressures is more difficult than measuring and recording the body temperature, pulse, and respirations. It is easier ...
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1.25 Hours
Basic knowledge of disease transmission and the proper use of infection control procedures are needed when caring for a patient with tuberculosis. ...
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1.25 Hours
No one knows what causes Alzheimer’s disease but certain factors are suspected, such as a person’s genetics, lifestyle, or environment. Health clin...
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1.25 Hours
The health care professional will likely care for clients with either Type I or Type II diabetes during the course of a career. When the client’s b...
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1.25 Hours
Hypertension or high blood pressure is a chronic medical condition that is caused by a persistent elevation of the pressure inside the circulatory ...
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1.25 Hours
Coronary artery disease and atherosclerosis involve a chronic disease state characterized by stiff and rigid coronary arteries and coronary plaques...
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1.25 Hours
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a combination of two separate but closely related diseases emphysema and chronic bronchitis. COPD is most...
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1.25 Hours
A stroke, also referred to as a cerebrovascular event, is a neurological event that causes damage to the brain. Strokes are much more likely to ha...
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1.25 Hours
Pressure ulcers are wounds in the skin that are caused by prolonged immobility. The elderly are at high risk for developing pressure ulcers. The s...
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1.25 Hours
Multiple sclerosis is a chronic, autoimmune disease that affects the nervous system. It is thought to be caused by an abnormal inflammatory process...
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1.25 Hours
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection is one of the most common sources of infection that occur in patients following hospitalizati...
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1.25 Hours
Foodborne illnesses are more widespread than people realize. They are defined as illnesses caused by the consumption of food or water contaminated ...
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1.25 Hours
Infectious diseases can be transmitted from person to person. They can be spread through the air, by contact with blood or other body fluids, by to...
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1.25 Hours
As a person ages, there are many physiological changes that occur. These changes start when the person reaches the teen years, and involve all body...
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1.25 Hours
The human body requires good nutrition and the proper intake of food and fluids to grow, to repair damage, to fight off infections and to function ...
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1.25 Hours
Hepatitis (inflammation of the liver) is caused by a viral infection. Depending on the type of hepatitis, prevention and cures are available, but h...
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1.25 Hours
Geriatric failure to thrive may be caused by a single medical condition but in most cases, there are multiple issues, some treatable and some not. ...
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1.25 Hours
The amount of alcohol that is needed to cause intoxication, and its effects, vary greatly from person to person. People who drink regularly in high...
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1.25 Hours
This module is intended to provide health care professionals with information about HIPAA and to inform health care professionals about what they n...
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1.25 Hours
Contact or exposure to bodily fluids and dangerous levels of bacteria, viruses, or other microorganisms can cause infection and lead to the spread ...
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1.25 Hours
Autism spectrum disorder is a serious developmental disorder that severely affects an individual's ability to understand, communicate, and interact...
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1.25 Hours
Brain and spinal cord injuries are common medical emergencies. Brain injuries associated with medical conditions are the third leading cause of dea...
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1.25 Hours
Everyone has a different response to pain. Health care professionals need to be aware that pain is whatever the person experiencing pain says it is...
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1.25 Hours
Cancer is a common but complex disease. The initiation and development of cancer involves a subtle interplay between environmental factors, lifesty...
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1.25 Hours
The evidence shows that depression is a common mental illness but it is not a normal part of aging. Major depression in the geriatric population in...
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1.25 Hours
Generalized anxiety disorder is diagnosed in individuals who are fearful and who worry excessively. Unlike most people who can control anxious thou...
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